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[[double  underlined]]David S. Jordan[[/double underlined]]. A preliminary List of the Fishes of the West Indies.

[[underlined]]Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], ix, 554-608.

875 species, besides a supplementary List of 51 species not yet found in, but properly belonging to the West Indies.

[[double underlined]]David S. Jordan[[/double underlined]]. List of Fishes collected at Havana, Cuba, in December, 1883, with Notes and Descriptions.

[[underlined]]Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], ix, 31-55.

204 species [[strikethrough]]mentioned[[/strikethrough]] collected in the markets.  Spanish names in use at Havana are given.  Color notes and brief descriptions of many species.  Some species are fully described. [[underlined]]Prionatus rubio, Cithanchthys æthalion[[/underlined]], nn. spp.;[[underlined]]Scartella[[/underlined]], Poey, n.g.