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[[double lined]]David S. Jordan[[/double lined]] and [[double lined]]Morton M. Fordice[[/double lined]].

A Review of the American Species of Belomidae

[[underlined]]Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], ix, 339-361

Genera admitted, Belone, Tylosurus, and Potamorrhaphis. Keys to all the species (21). [[underlined]]Belone belone[[/underlined]], [[strikethrough]] described [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Tylosurus notatus, subtuncatus, euryops, exilis, marinus, raphidoma, acus, hians [[/underlined]], and [[underlined]]Potamorrhaphis guianensis[[/underlined]] described.

[[double underlined]]David S. Jordan[[/double underlined]] and [[double underlined]]Charles H. Gilbert[[ double underlined]], List of Fishes collected in Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Texas in September, 1884, with Notes and Descriptions. 

[[underlined]]Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], ix, 1-25. 

[[underlined]]Notrophis savinae[[/underlined]], n. sp; [[underlined]]Hoybopsis aestivalis [[strikethrough]]var. nov.[[/strikethrough]] marconis[[/underlined]], var. nov.