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[[underlined]] Myxine australis [[/underlined]] from Sts. Magellan, [[underlined]] Xiphorhamphus jenynsii & Tetragonopterus. [[/underlined]] Besides some pelagic forms not yet identified.

Also the following species from Senor Don Jose Arechavaleta, Montevideo:

[[underlined]] Geotria chilensis, Siphostoma, Halocypselus, Loricaria, Tetragouopterus, Curimatus, Acara, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Piratinga. [[/underlined]]

May 17, 1887. Acc. 19078. Cat. ^[[No.]] 39079.
^[[checkmark in left margin]]
J.M.C. Eaton, Irvington, New Jersey.

One specimen of [[underlined]] Zoarces Anguillaris. [[/underlined]]

May 24,     Acc. 19126.
Lieut. E.H. Taunt, U.S. Navy
^[[checkmark in left margin]]

Sketches of ten species of fishes from the Congo River, Africa.

May 20,    Acc. 19099. Cat. ^[[No.]] 39123-139.
^[[checkmark in left margin]]
C.H. Townsend, Honduras, Central America.