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[[image - photograph of woman]] [[caption]] Nell Carter [[/caption]]
[[image - photograph of man]] [[caption]] Andre De Shields [[/caption]]
[[image - photograph of woman]] [[caption]] Armelia McQueen [[/caption]]
[[image - photograph of man]] [[caption]] Ken Page [[/caption]]
[[image - photograph of woman]] [[caption]] Charlaine Woodard [[/caption]]


Have anything you want before dinner.
After-Dinner is Reserved for 
Rémy Martin
[[image - black and white photograph of a bottle of Rémy Martin & a cognac snifter of Rémy Martin being held by a woman's hand. An man is sitting in the background, out-of-focus]]

80 Proof. Renfield Importers, Ltd., New York

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[image - photograph of apple with two ballet dancers, one male, one female, and a starry sky superimposed]]

Where else but the Big Apple?

You name it – theater, opera, ballet, modern dance, symphonic music, jazz – and New York City offers more of it, by leading artists of the day, than any other city in the country.
As an expression, "The Big Apple" means the "ultimate."  The word, too, to describe the trust services of Manufacturers Hanover.
Send for our "Trust Myths Exploded" Kit that includes a personal Financial Fact Sheet to help you determine if you're underestimating your wealth.  Write Irwin Fields, Manufacturers Hanover, Personal Trust Division, 600 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10020.
