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[[2 page advertisement]]
Ford Taurus.
Named Motor Trend Car of the Year.

[[image - color photograph of a Ford Taurus car in brown in front of a red background]]

Buckle up-Together we can save lives.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

It says a lot about Taurus. And even more about Ford.

The tests were elaborate and carefully executed. A 75-mile-long course simulated various driving conditions. From twisting mountain roads to high speed freeways. Computerized on-board equipment measured various aspects of performance. Data were collected. Votes were cast. And from a field of 8 new automobiles, Ford Taurus was chosen Motor Trend 1986 Car of the Year.

At Ford, we're proud because Taurus is something more than a new Ford product. It's the product of a new Ford philosophy. A belief that our design and engineering should set trends instead of following them. A commitment to quality first, down to the last detail.

Winning Motor Trend Car of the Year is important because of what it says about Taurus. But perhaps more significant, it's important because of what it says about Ford. 

[[underlined]] Best-built American cars. [[/underlined]]

At Ford Quality is Job 1. A 1985 survey established that Ford makes the best-built American cars. This is based on an average of problems reported by owners in a six-month period on 1981-1984 models designed and built in the U.S.

[[image- color drawing of the Ford oval logo]]
Have you driven a Ford...lately?
[[/2 page advertisement]]