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[[2 page advertisement]]

[[image - color painting of a man installing a TV antenna on the roof of a steeply-gabled house with Victorian fishscale shingles. Another man - presumably the owner of the house - leans out the gable window, watching the installation, pointing at a TV screen inside, with a look of joyful amazement on his face]]

Today's Health Care Picture Is Better Than Ever.

When television became part of the American household. it changed how we bought soap powder and how we viewed war. And when "HMO" became part of our vocabulary, many Americans adjusted their thinking about health care as well. After all, shouldn't health care coverage be a tool that helps us protect our health rather than one that just insures against ill health?

U.S. HealthcareTM sure thinks so. We've been leaders in the health maintenance field for almost 20 years, because we keep fine-tuning our system of managed care. We've always believed that if we make routine care accessible and affordable, we can prevent more serious illness.

We think we can improve our members' life-styles with health education, too. So we offer programs on smoking cessation, healthy eating, and stress management. We've even designed a program that reimburses members up to $200 for regular participation at a health club. And we have an innovative program of free cancer screenings.

We also have an outstanding network of participating private practice physicians. Their role in our plan is critical, so we've implemented an in-depth system of quality assessment. The result is a participating physician network so strong that 91% of members surveyed said they would recommend their family doctor to a friend.

For U.S. Healthcare members, the health care picture just keeps getting better and better, with new programs and expanded benefits. If you'd like more information, find out if U.S. Healthcare is offered in your workplace or ask your employer to call 1-800-338-USHC. Ours is a program you can enjoy every day of your life.

U.S. Healthcare. The health plan for living.TM

[[logo: red square around white outline of an apple, next to large blue "US"; on second line, smaller blue "HEALTHCARE"]]

Illustration © 1949 The Curtis Publishing Company © 1992 U.S. Healthcare.
