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[[caption-handwritten]] W. 45 Street  C. Gram Jr [[/caption]]

By unanimous vote of its members and its Board of Governors, and with the approval of the State of New York, The LeagUe of New York Theatres and Producers has changed its name to The League of American Theatres and Producers.

"We felt it necessary to take this step in order to more accurately reflect The League's widened scope of involvement nationally," said Richard Barr, president of The League. "Ours is much more than a local New York City industry."

The name change expresses a condition that has existed in fact for some time. The League deals with matters of national concern since the productions of its members tour across the country, and it has also always been true that what takes place on Broadway has wide national and even international influence.

The League, according to Harvey Sabinson, Executive Director, will be assuming the informational and coordinating functions of the Independent Booking Office since the directors of that organization recently voted on dissolving it. Road presenters and theatre operators will be eligible to become members of The League, and will have representation on the Board of Governors. The League will be establishing


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a Road Resources Department to handle many of the I.B.O. functions. Also, a Special Projects Road Resources Committee, composed of New York producers and out-of-town presenters, will be created as a forum for solving common problems pertinent to touring. 

Besides expressing such functions, the name change indicates The League's natural interest in many legislative issues that have national impact. Too often, when appearing before legislative committees in Congress to promote the interests and welfare of theatre, The League has been perceived to be just a New York organization. "We require a national profile in Washington since we are continually involved in issues affecting the theatre," said Mr. Barr. 

Among the legislative questions of national scope The League is interested in is the threat in the Treasury Department's tax reform proposals to remove the tax deductibility of entertainment tickets - an issue not just of concern to Broadway and its audiences but to everyone in the performing arts.

The League was founded under the name of The League of New York Theatres on May 22, 1930, as a service organization and a trade association. In 1973 the title was broadened to include producers who, along with theatre owners and operators, had in fact been part of the membership since the beginning. The League has grown significantly since the creation of a Special Projects Department in 1976 under the directorship of Harvey Sabinson. Three years later he became Executive Director of The League as well.

Today, The League has reached a peak membership of 239. Its innumerable functions range from labor relations, industry research, and government relations to the administration and presentation of the American Theatre Wing's Antoinette Perry Awards.

Playbill is pleased to make this space available to The League of American Theatres and Producers. The opinions reflected herein are those of The League and not necessarily those of Playbill.


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