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McDowell 79

[[9 column table across two pages]]
[[Name]] | [[Occupation]] | [[Color]] | [[Age]] | [[Born]] | [[Years Residency in District]] | [[Recommended by]] | [[District or Precinct]] | [[Remarks]] 

H. K. Keter | wheelwright | white | 40 | N.C. | 12 years | Bt Maj Genl Miles | Marion | --- |

E. C. Strand | shoemaker | " [[ditto for white]] | 35 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 35 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Marion]] | --- | 

Jas Gardin | Farmer | Colored | 35 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 35 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Marion]] | --- |

Jas W Lyon | Machinist | white | 45 | R.I. | 1½ [[ditto for years]] | [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | Dysartville | Late Bt Col USV |

John Price | Farmer | " [[ditto for white]] | 35 | N.C. | 14 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Dysartville]] | --- | 

Hoyle Halyburton | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | Colored | 35 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 35 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Dysartville]] | --- |

Jas Thompson | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | white | 50 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 1½ [[ditto for years]] | [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | Jamestown | --- |

A. B. Whiserant | Blksmith | " [[ditto for white]] | 48 | N.C. | 6 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Jamestown]] | --- | 

Wm Owens | Miner | Colored | 50 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 25 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Jamestown]] | --- |

Jas Bailey | Millwright | white | 60 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 60 [[ditto for years]] | [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | Dobson | --- |

Henry Deal | Farmer | " [[ditto for white]] | 70 | N.C. | 70 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Dobson]] | --- | 

Wesley McKesson | Miller | Colored | 35 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 2 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Dobson]] | --- |

Reuben Patten | Farmer | white | 42 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 42 [[ditto for years]] | [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | Sugar Hill | --- |

J. G. Hicks | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | " [[ditto for white]] | 38 | N.C. | 38 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Sugar Hill]] | --- | 

Eliason Morris | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | Colored | 34 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 34 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Sugar Hill]] | --- |

W. A. B. Murphy | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | white | 60 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 60 [[ditto for years]] | [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | Broad River | --- |

Peter Moffatt | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | " [[ditto for white]] | 35 | N.C. | 35 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Broad River]] | --- | 

Mark Winters | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | Colored | 41 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 20 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Broad River]] | --- |

W. B. Noblett | Physician | white | 40 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 40 [[ditto for years]] | [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | Old Fort | --- |

Len York | wheelwright | " [[ditto for white]] | 42 | N.C. | 42 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Old Fort]] | --- | 

Elem Davidson | Farmer | Colored | 38 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 10 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for Old Fort]] | --- |

Robt M Call | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | white | 62 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 25 [[ditto for years]] | [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | North Cove | --- |

Daniel Washburne | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | " [[ditto for white]] | 33 | N.C. | 33 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for North Cove]] | Late U.S.V. | 

Warlick Greenlee | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | Colored | 34 | " [[ditto for N.C.]] | 34 " [[ditto for years]] | " [[ditto for Bt Maj Genl Miles]] | " [[ditto for North Cove]] | --- |

Transcription Notes:
Dysartville — misspelling of Dysartsville