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Hamptonville N Car
May 8th 1867

In obedience to "Circular Letter' from Hed. Qr. Assistant Commissioner State of North Carolina, Raleigh, N.Ca. Apl 28th 1867. The following persons are recommended for Registers and Inspectors of Election for each Election District, for the County of Yadkin.

[[7 column table]]

[[District and Names]] | Color | Age | Occupation | Where Born | Length of Residence | Been in the U.S. Military Service

Hamptonville District |  |  |  |  |  |  

A. N. Tomlin | White | 44 | Farmer | Iredell Co. N.C. | 15 | have not

Calvin S. Nickes | " [[ditto for White]] | 51 | Tailor | Guilford Co. N.C. | 20 | " " [[dittos for have not]]

Carlus Long | Black | 39 | Blacksmith | Iredell Co. N.C. | 10 | " " [[dittos for have not]]

Jonesville District |  |  |  |  |  | 

Bilson B. Benham | White | 60 | Physician | New Haven Ct. | 40 | have not

James S. Claywell | " [[ditto for White]] | 38 | Farmer | Iredell Co. N.C. | 15 | " " [[ditto for have not]]

Silkirk Jenkins | Black | 40 | " [[ditto for Farmer]] | Yadkin Co., N.C. | 40 | " " [[ditto for have not]]  

Transcription Notes:
changed "Gadkin" to "Yadkin" Co.