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Name | age | wages per year | part of wages per month 

10. Joseph Whitaker | 20 | $120 | $2 left with provisions 
11. Randolph Dixon | 24 | 120 | 2 
12. George Washington | 17 | 96 | 2 
13. Stephen Komegay | 18 | 120 | 2 
14. John G. Williams | 22 | 120 | [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough 
15. Tony Gay | 25 | 156 | 4 
16. [[Eethy?]] Gay (wife)| 24 | 72 | 0 
17. David Gay (child)| 14 | 50 | 0 [[checkmark]] [[?]] 
18. Louis Harper | 22 | $120 | 2½ 
19. John Jonakin | 18 | 120 | 2½ 
20. Joe Green | 20 | 120 | 2½ 
21. Adline Jonokin wife | 22 | 72 | 2½ 
22. [[Tonite?]] Ellis | 22 | 120 | 2½ 
23. Marynen Ranse | 15 | .50 | 1½ 
24. John Thompson | 20 | 120 | 2½ 
25. Joseph Flowers | 21 | 120 | 2½ |
26. Bill Mitchner | 25 | 120 | 2.50
27. Samuel Roberson |20| 120 | 2.50 
28. Miles Williams |25| 120.00 | 2.50
29. Mary Nickerson |21| 50 | 2.
30. [[Ri?]] Dostch |20| 120| 2.5
31. Ellie Branch |35| 120.00| 2.50
22. Tempy [[Tillery?]] Branch |28| 50.00| 2.00
23. Sarah Julius |23| 50.00| 2.00
34 Mark Anderson |20| 120| 2
35 James Ranse |30| 120 | 2. left.lives 2 miles fr. here
Austin Barnes |21| 120 | 2.5
Mariah his Wife |30| 72| 2.5
Jane Barnes |26| 50| 2
Lavinia Jonokin|30 |72| 2
Haywood her son |16| 72| 2|

Transcription Notes:
Need someone else to re-examine names for correct interpretation. As good a guess as most :-)