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Contracts Approved during the Month of September 1865 for the present Season

[[3 column table]]
Owners of Plantation | No Plantations | No Laborers

J L Parks | 1 | 3

Thos. L. Johnson | 1 | 4

James Miller | 1 | 9

Adam Jay | 1 | 7

John M Raulinson | 1 | 24

Samuel Johnson | 1 | 18

J. Williamson | 1 | 6

Wm. P. Richardson | 1 | 18

J. S. Culton | 1 | 45

T K Culton | 1 | 40

[[tally line]]
Total | 10 | 174


Laborers Hired from Freedmens Camp in Month of September 1865

[[4 column table]]
Date | No Hired | Price per month | length of time Hired

Sept 2" 1865 | 2 | $10,00 | two months

" [[ditto for Sept]] 13 | 5 | " [[ditto for $]] 5,00 | three months

" [[ditto for Sept]] 20 | 5 | " [[ditto for $]] 8,00 | untill Christmas

" [[ditto for Sept]] 25 | 3 | " [[ditto for $]] 9,00 | one month

" [[ditto for Sept]] 29 | 2 | " [[ditto for $]] 4,00 | untill Christmas

" [[ditto for Sept]] 27 | 3 | Board & Clothes | " " [[ditto for untill Christmas]]

[[tally line]]
Total Hired | 20 | --- | ---


[[signature]] John C Barnitt [[/signature]]
Capt & Asst Supt FMB

Station Charlotte N.C.
Date September 30" 1865.

Transcription Notes:
FMB in signature implied from title and similiar signature on page 189