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Ther.   THURS. JUNE 15, 1905    Wea.
^[[Buttrick - Lunch here. Morss. Irwins - no - Howes no  Booth dinner - Back alone]]
[[blank lines]]

Ther.   FRIDAY 16    Wea.
^[[No Butt.  Lunch here no [[strikethrough]] Morss [[/strikethrough]].  and dressed for L.  Came at seven Long time - dinner on Westminster top - Hindu man - Then here - head on window - good day & [[underlined]] night. [[/underlined]]
[[blank line]]

Ther.  SATURDAY 17    Wea.
^[[HOT  Shopped & bought Indian [[line on left side]] rugs.  Lunch here. Rip.  Changed arms  Very hot - but nice [[/line on left side]] Stayed late - Had Tea. Blakes to din - ]]
[[blank lines]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Ther.   SUN. JUNE 18, 1905    Wea.
^[[Let fr. H. Mercier HOT.
To G. 8.15.  Ralph B. and Shawn Reily - Lunch at R.R. No A.  but very nice--Gabenelles & crowd.  Brown. Garland and [[underlined]] Richard [[/underlined]].  Row & Sup at Beach Croft.  Home late with Richard]]
[[blank lines]]

Ther.  MONDAY 19  Wea.
^[[Buttrick.  Lunch here.  Buttrick last & [[underlined]] paid [[/underlined]].  Morss - was going to come Too tired. at 5.30 [[underlined]] L [[/underlined]].  Lovely little visit.  Dinner here - gratis. trade fr. book fr. Verby]]
[[blank lines]]

Ther.  TUESDAY 20   Wea.
^[[Butterick - AM. Tel etc. Morss frame mounted  Letter fr Etta about Aunt E. Morss and Annie B. & Emory.  Din at Bs.  Arthur Hill - Letter fr Terence.  H.C. G. Arrives M. T]]
[[blank line]]
