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Surely there was a time I might have trod
The sunlit heights, and from life's dissonance
Struck one clear chord to reach the ears of God
Is that time dead?  Lo!  With a little rod I did but touch the honey of romance - 
and must I lose a soul's inheritance?"

"How subtle-secret is your smile".

"Many a man hath done so; sought to fence
In straitened bonds the soul that should be free.
Trodden the dusty road of common sense,
While all the forest sang of liberty."

October 1st 1907 - [[underlined]] Roslyn [[/underlined]]

One year and a half has passed and the same feelings and emotions rack my poor body and mind.  Now perhaps they are in more control and also ^[[in]] more [[?able]] [[strikethrough]] form [[/strikethrough]] form.  At least I feel as if I would ^[[sometimes]] open a drawer and take something out on a given subject.  It would be of no value except that it