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feels cross and moody to [[strikethrough]] is not always [[/strikethrough]] listen to this or that which in no way concerns one self, for we are selfish beings; but the more often the effort is made, the easier it becomes next time. How comforting is that thought. I still have hopes for myself for I have not made many good resolutions (unkept of course) perhaps then this one will have more effect upon me............

The voyage has been only rather pleasant. In the first place as I was not yet quite well when we 
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came on board they insisted upon making me lie down when I least wanted to, or eat at every possible hour of the day, or retire when a little breaze blew up, or stay in bed in the morning. After a few days of this I broke loose however and got up for breakfast and stayed on deck and ate what I wanted to, still there was a certain amount of restraint, [[strikethrough]] still [[/strikethrough]] even now. Papa says: "Remember" in a warning tone, and Mama cries: "Only ten days ago."