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July 30th 1984.

Now that we are settled in Newport I have a few minutes to devote to this book. At first it seemed as if every moment of the day were occupied. [[strikethough]] If [[/strikethrough]]

July 31st 1894.

After all there was not much time to devote to writing yesterday.

Last night Cornelius and I dined at the Gerry's (if you refer to July 30th in the dinner book you
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will see just who was there.) and I want to tell you a little about it, because somehow I feel that one conversation I had has made a lasting impression.

After dinner we sat out on the piazza. It was delightfully cool and only one lantern lit the place so there was a sort of half light which added to the stars and all that made you feel restful and happy. When the men came back from their smoke I heard Mr Parroll say to P. V. jr "Introduce me to your