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things one does not even like to ask ones parents, an old family friends, grey haired and care worn is just the person to apply to

August 4th 1894.

I have just heard Mr. Ronalds is really coming to Newport for next Sunday. I had my suspicions he was, now I know. That means I will see him at the Cushings, perhaps he will take me in. It also means I must be
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very nice to him if I want him to care at all. I must talk more, I must confide in him, I must amuse him. How shall I set to work. I wonder whether he is thinking this afternoon that in one week he will be here in Newport. Of course he is glad to get away from work and heat, but I should give a good deal to know if he thinks of me at all in connection with Newport. I shall have to make a list and learn it by heart as I did before for fear all ideas forsake me.