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I could not ask you this to your face even if you were here because it would be embarrassing.  but I have thought a good deal about it lately and no matter how unpleasant the truth is, I want you to tell it to me.  To come to the point - As you said that night - I am an heiress - consequently I know perfectly well there are lots of men who would be attentive to me simply on account of that.  When I first fully realized that to be the case I was terribly
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unhappy and wished I might be a poor girl so that people would only like me for [[strikethrough]] what [[/strikethrough]] ^[[myself]].  Now I have become used to the thought and I face it boldly as I must and try to make the most of it.  What I want to know is this - Do you think it possible for anyone to love me for myself entirely.  That the [[strikethrouh]]y[[/strikethrough]] money would no could make no difference.  That any one in all the world would not care for the money but would care as much as his life for me.  Please