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September 14th 1894.
I don't know what is the matter.  I feel so queerly.  No one cares for me except Esther, no one takes any interest in me and quite right they are too.  I have never been so horrid as I am now.

September 16th 1894.
It has been a quiet and a nice week.  Every morning there has been the bathing, and Mo has usually gone in too.  Howard Cushing
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has mostly been on the beach and then Thursday there was the C. Party and Friday I rode with Mo.  Yesterday we had a picnic at the Farm, there were about 60 people there and it was great fun.  I am looking forward now very much to the next month.  I hope for lots of informal pleasures, and now that I do nothing in the evening, I enjoy so much more what I do in the day time.  Next week though will be a busy one as I have four dinners.  Monday at the T. Cushing's  Mo is to be there and possibly Howard Cushing.  This last