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afternoon?" he asked


"Then I will come then".

And with that we parted.  Mo walked home with me along the cliffs.  It was a lovely walk, rather windy but lovely.  The water was so blue the sky so blue and the air so fresh and delicious, it seemed as if it had never been so beautiful.

October 5th 1894.

Last night just as the big clock in the hall struck eight, I went down stairs to
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the parlor.  Mama & Papa, Mr & Mrs Bronson, Elsa, and Mr Codman (the first arrival) were there.

After the greetings were over, Mrs Bronson said:

"What a lovely dress Gertrude.  It seems to me as if every time I saw you you had on a new dinner dress".

I laughed and said I was glad she liked it, and she said sweet etc.

Mrs Bronson herself was looking remarkably well.  She had on a yellow silk with little yellow feathers in her hair.  Mama had on a white & black, very handsome & becoming.