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Elsa wore a white high necked silk, not very pretty but she looked well in spite of it.  My dress was white with redish cherry colored bows and lots [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] ^[[of]] people have told me how much they like it and how becoming it is.

My seat at table was between Mr Ronalds who took me in and Mr Ritchie.  I was never gotten on so well with Mr Ronalds as I did then.  When he gave me his arm I said:

"Did you have a nice walk this afternoon?" and he told me about how he had gone to the beach
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and had a bath and I told him about the day before.  And from that we got on to the summer, he told me how dull it had been in New York and I told him some about Newport but I was always careful to imply that I had not forgotten my friends in New York.  Then we spoke of England and the journey out there and the people and business and how a man wasted his life in an office when he might be doing something so much better.  He was terribly attractive at times, but I feel more than ever that really I have changed now, that the men I have seen &