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the answer would be.

"Mr Taylor has called for you".

"I will be right down".

Two minutes later I was running down the stairs putting on my gloves.  Mo came out of the parlor and I said:
"Late as usual you see",
and we shook hands.

"No," he said smiling, "I am early".
"Oh no, I am late", and I laughed, "I have no excuse to make either".

"Difference in the clocks".

And I mounted and we talked of the day until we ^[[were]] off, and then there
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were more interesting things to be said.  Nothing of really any importance but telling what we had each been doing and people in general and opinions too.  We had a lovely ride and when we came in, Mo of course came and had tea & stayed perhaps three quarters of an hour.  He is dining at the Post's on Saturday, so am I.  He was going up to Harward for Sunday, but on account of the Posts has put it off till next week.  Next week we are going to spend Sunday with the Bronson's.