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you, only it must not be that you are dull.  But they have said that already dear, you need not worry.  I wish I could be in the dark with someone whom I care for.  I wish I could sit out on a rock overlooking the sea and that we could talk, girl to girl, heart to heart - you tire me child, you have been reading too many novels. - Yes I am getting sentamental.- You are foolish.  I told you to beware and control yourself -. Yes, yes, but we cannot always obey those impulses -. You imagine - Yes I imagine - What is
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it now, come up out of the depths - You do not keep me up - Come come this will never do - I tell you I am blue leave me to myself - Of course if you persist in imagining yourself blue how do you expect to be otherwise - Leave me alone I will get over it myself - I shall not.  There now say what you like you disagreeable child - I intend to.- You are enough to make the steadiest nerves weak.- I am so tired - You are a baby - I wish, no, I was going to say I wish I were but I have changed my mind -