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were especially nice to me, so that is a start. I suppose I must finish about Mr Andrews. Well he came on Tuesday ^[[Nov. 6th]] and it was like this. At five the man came up and said: "Mr Taylor" and I was surprised & said I would be down in a moment. (I was trying on a dress) Mama said she would go and make tea and I think she was not exactly pleased at his coming so soon again. When I was ready a few ^[[minutes]] later I went down into the parlor & there instead of Mo was Mr Andrews. I suppose I 
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looked disappointed, but I thought the man had made a mistake, and I was glad Mama was there. I had to shake hands - that warm clamy hand that I hate - and Mama said suddenly:

"Gertrude I think there is some one in the other room."

Then it flashed through me and I went in the room, where I see my friends, & there was Mo. It was a funny situation and I found myself laughing as I shook hands with him. He did not laugh though and expressed on this face