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November 22nd 1894.

Mo came again yesterday but Mama went down and stayed down all the time. She did not give us two seconds in which to speak alone together and I wanted to say some things. Oh my. There is only one reason I was glad she was there & that was one quite beneath me (or at least it ought to have been) He will be all the more glad to see me in New York.
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November 24th 1894.

We are really on our way to New York now. We left Newport on Thursday the 22nd went up to Boston and stayed over night. Yesterday we went on to Concord saw Alfred, came back to Boston again spent the night--and at ten this morning left for New York. Who should we espy at the station this morning but Mr Andrews. He too was coming to New York, but fortunately in the slow train which left three minutes after ours. So we only exchanged a few words. The train is shaking so I can hardly