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Let it be different from the majority of books, original and fresh.  Do your very best by it.  Put all that is best in you in the books, no platitudes, but daring thought the kind that will be laughed at by certain people but will be read.  Don't do anything in a hurry, don't mind rewriting correcting or taking pains over.  Study human nature for your characters.  Have a rhetoric by you.  Write in short crisp sentences.  Do you be afraid to put your own thoughts down they are the thoughts of the world.  Have an ideal
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which you strive to reach, don't let that ideal be another book, but a something in you.  Oh!  If I could but do this.  But you can of course it will fall very short of your ideal, but try to make some thing of it - and then show it to Miss Winsor.

November 25th 1894.

New York again and with it the customary excitement and movement.  This morning [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] coming out of church there was Mr Andrews waiting to