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because a woman has so much influence."

"I wonder if women realize how much influence they have," he said impressively, "for good or for bad, for happiness or for sorrow. I am sure they do not - they cannot know."

"To a certain extent they must know I think," I said and then the conversation turned.

When we are together I always forget that he chooses to act the part of liking me and when he makes references to it I either ignore if it very pointed [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] or act as if
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I thought it applied to some other girl.

He said yesterday a man was not responsible for what he did when he was in love, what is all so foolish. I wish I could finish it, but I don't know how to snub people & so it must take its own course..........

This afternoon Mama and I went to the Exhibit of Women's Portraits. We had not been in the Building ten minutes when who should come along but Mo. It was a surprise. He had just arrived from New Haven and said he was passing and so thought