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visit.  That night dinner at Mrs Bronson's.  The doctor said in the morning I could not go unless I wore a high necked dress.  So I did.  I was the Gerry bridesmaid dress.  White and I had a pale blue ribbon put on, and wore a chiffon fichu.  It was perfectly lovely & becoming  Friday the Opera.  Beautiful time again.  Lots of nice people in box.  [[strikethrough]] Mo had asted [[/strikethrough]] Mo had asked the night before if he might call late afternoon.  Nice visit.  Saturday dinner Stokes.  Extremely [[?]] Sunday ^[[fun day]] the following called - Baron Electritz[[?]], Graf Bismark, Mo Taylor, Mr Vancourtland,
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Mr Hone, Mr Lawrence, Mr Gerard, Mr R Renalds, Mr Bishop, Mr Van Curtland asked me for supper at Perry Belmont's on the 17th.

December 11th 1894.
Last night opera.

Dec. 12th 1894.
When I have seen Mo. Continued.
Nov. 26th Picture Gallery, Opera
Nov. 27th Visit
Nov. 31st Opera. Visit.
Dec. 1st Foot-Ball Party.  Home din
Dec. 3d Opera.

Transcription Notes:
fichu = scarf