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people talk. Mabel Gerry told me some time ago that she had heard in a very round about way that I was engaged to Mo Taylor. Of course I was furious and told her there was no truth in it. Finally I got out of her that someone had told Mrs Mills, and that she had told The Gerry's. The story was that we were engaged but that it was not to be announced till the spring. How ridiculous. I have heard no more of it, so I suppose it did not spread fortunately. Adele Sloane told me on Christmas that Jay Burden had met Mrs Winthrop who is Mo's aunt the other day,
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and she had been most anxious to discover something about this interesting matter. She asked Jay all [[strikethrough]]types[[/strikethrough]] kinds of queer questions and herself declared she had heard [[underline]]he[[/underline]] was terribly in love you could [[strikethrough]]simply[[/strikethrough]] see it from the way he looked at her. Oh his eyes! Of course I roared. Adele herself wrote me a note two days later announcing her own engagement to Jay Burden but it is a state secret as yet. She has asked me to be brides maid, so I am highly excited.  She does not want it announced till the 18th but I don't see how she can keep it quiet so long, as there are already