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Mo.-17th Cotillion Mr Harrison
No, no, supper B. Sands.

January 20th 1895

The two dances came off & were nicer than in my most enthusiastic moments I had pictured them. At the Gerry's in the Cotillion I took out a Mr Kymis whom I met the first time on R. Ronald's football party, then I saw him at the skating Club once and after the Hunt's dinner he talked to me. We had talked of dancing and from the way he spoke of it I
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knew he loved it for its own sake just the way I do. At the Mills he danced with me twice & asked me for supper.  Well the end of it was at the Gerry's that we got on so well dancing that toward the end of the evening we did nothing but waltz together.  We kept it up once for about 10 or 15 minutes without stopping.  I have never enjoyed any thing at a dance so much.  He liked it in just the same way I did. I saw him the next day just for a second at the skating Club, then he came into the box for a few minutes Friday night