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enough to make a remark about its being cold out & then asked him if he wanted tea. They stayed both of them till quarter past six. Then the door bell rang & Mo started to go. Mr Harrison seemed undecided. Mo demanded of him:

"Are you walking down."


Then I said a few more things and Mama came in & they waited a moment then both left:

I explained the situation to Mama and she was imensely [sic] pleased & amused

That night I saw Mr Harrison as well as Mo at the opera
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The next day I saw Mr H. skating in the morning & at the A.B.C. meeting in the afternoon and that night was the Gerry's. The next day skating again. Then he came in to tea. Saturday we did not meet.

Mr Laurence has also been very nice lately, he called Tuesday & Saturday. I rode with L. Stewart at the Club [[strikethrough]]Tuesday[[/strikethrough]] Wednesday and with H. Robbin in the Park Thursday. Yesterday morning on the first page of the World my engagement came out to Mr Moses Taylor  First it said: "it was rumored in club circles" that we were