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that had denied the existence of a second fortune teller in the house now opened the door and showed itself completely. A woman, for it was one, dressed in a flowing robe of no shape or color announced to me that she would tell my fortune.

"Only one can go in," she said as Anna rose, and I started to hear my fate. The room I was shown into was a bedroom good sized, with a double bed, a beaureau a sofa (on which lay a pair of corsets) and chairs, & at the foot of the bed was a table. On either side were chairs and three packs of
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cards lay on the table. The woman closed the door behind us and said:

"Will you sit down there," indicating with her hand the chair facing the windows

"Its a very dark day," she then remarked, to which I agreed saying it looked like rain or snow.

"Take off your gloves and shuffle these cards," said the fortune teller taking the chair opposite me. I tremblingly obeyed shuffling in a very awkward manner.

"Now make a wish as you shuffle":

Every idea seemed to have forsaken me, but I managed