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to hope I would have as good a time next winter as I was having this.

The woman got up drew the blinds up a little, then took her seat again.

"Cut the cards with your left hand," she said

I did as I was told. She turned up two cards, told me my wish would come true. After this she spread the cards out and did all kinds of things with them, and as nearly as I can remember this is what she told me.

"You are before the public in some way, I don't know exactly how but you are
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connected with perhaps the opera or the theatre. The musical card follows you, its not the piano but the harp or violin, or you sing. You will be very successful with it, keep it up. You have been very well educated, but you are still studying certain things. Have you thought any of adopting a profession - perhaps you have studied to be a typewriter or a designer. You are going to have money left you when you come of age by your grandmother. You are nicely off now, but you would be able to make your own living if you wanted