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February 22d 1895.

Monday Mr Sands did [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] come - Ha, you see I was right.  But he afterwards told me he had wanted to but thought it better not.  Somehow I had a feeling I would hear from him in some way and when I came upstairs early, (as Papa was going out) I found on the little sofa outside my door a box of flowers.  They were the loveliest pink roses, and with them a letter which you will find in the tin box.  Enough to say I wrote him he could walk up from Miss Hunt's with me the
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next day.  So he did, and we stopped at the place on Broadway to see about the pictures.  He wanted to walk all the way up Broadway, but I would not.  Somehow I felt idiotic that day, he did most of the talking.  It made me angry that I should feel so and that me quiet.  But he was nice just the same.  He said he thought he might not to call again till Thursday  He was afraid Mama would not like it and then would not want him to come at all  I don't know why I knew he would not let a day pass without hearing in