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if he and Mr Sands meet again——!  Well, let's hope for the best.

I am going to dine with Mrs Bronson to-night & am really excited.  It will be my first dinner since the 29th, thats over three weeks.  I am going to wear an all black dress.  They tell me black is the most becoming thing I can wear so I hope I will look well.  The dress is sort of net with lines of small jet beads.  The skirt is full and plain, the waist has perfectly plain big puffed sleeves of the same material and there is a fall of pleated chiffon
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in the front & back around the neck.  A ^[[small]] belt of black ribbon goes round the waist.  Then of course I will wear long black gloves, and perhaps one of Mr Sands white roses stuck in in a careless way.  It depends how I think it looks at the time.  I really don't care much about dress, but I have not been out for so long it makes me want to look very well to-night.