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March 9th

It was ten minutes before five when we got home. Of course out of politeness I had to ask Mr Sands to come in. There were several carriages in front of the door so we knew what that meant. Mr Sands said:

"I think I had better not," and with that we shook hands.
"I will see you tonight," were his last words. For he asked Winkie Cutting where I was dining to ask him to the dinner.

I found that the people who were with Mama were not people I wanted to see, so I went upstairs and finished my packing. At a few minutes past five Mo came. I had been expecting him. He told me about what had been going on lately, about his view of
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things and people, and I felt he was interested as I was. Elsa Bronson interrupted us. I could see she felt uncomfortable, but I tried to make it better. Mo only stayed a few minutes after that. He got up said he hoped we would have a pleasant trip and shook hands. I said something, I don't exactly know what, and he left. How a few short weeks can change things. I think (I am not sure) I am the same to Mo as I used to be, but he is not the same to me. Not that I ever came near loving him, oh no, but [[?]] he was [[?]] in my thoughts.

I went up to sit in the next room