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at lunch or what happened. The table had no cloth and I never ate so much food in my life -

[[image - diagram of seating arrangements, with names (clockwise from left to right) Mr Barnes, F. Ives, someone's cousin, Edith, Sanford, Mrs Barnes, Nellie, Charlotte, Jim, Gertrude]]

Jim was so nice that day, but then he was always nice. He had the most fascinating way of looking at you and he came once or twice and stood by me, and I [[underlined]] felt [[/underlined]] he was there and, did he feel it? No. I appeared naturally perfectly horrid, I always do, if I especially
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want to appear well. It was on the 6th a month ago & two days. I still wear the little heart night & day only once have I forgotten it and then it almost broke my heart. My heart! Which is it - the one that beats so hard in me or the gold one that nestles near me. That hard cold one can not be mine and yet I am hard & cold when people I don't care for are about, but not -- oh stop.

I rode with Mr Stewart to-day. Now I am going to say something terrible. I think if I wanted I could marry him - no. I not only think but I know it. He likes me very much because I am