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of it and everything was done & said to break it off.  Impossible.  Papa had been to see Mr Wilson, had told him what he thought of the behavior & Mama had told Mrs Wilson the same.  They had gone so far as to say it would alter his prospects unless she gave him up right away.  There was all the talk of waiting a year letting him travel etc but her family behaved like liars & cheats and - it seemed as if matters could not be worse.
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She is going abroad in a week!  I suggested writing to Fred d'Harteville & asking him to see C.V jr & get him away so that when she arrived he would not fall under her influence immediately.  The family thought well of it & ^[[Mama]] sat down and wrote to him.  It was a letter explaining the case & also saying he must meet C.V jr as if by accident in London and [[strikethrough]] try and [[/strikethrough]] never let him know that he knew the first thing about it.  I am sure he will do his best.  Lots of schemes were discussed