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[flower] with large [toneeslote] blade.

[Proflylax] [brosts]at base of buds and [developing] branches short. They [dren t] [elongate] as in other [strentl]. As a result, the branch complement at [motion t] strong the [separated] [base] and base of [z e smeds] very clearly.

Branch complement: one central [dominant] end [2-4 2  e] on the sides (each one [fire] the next.)

Node without line of [brain] or [fertails]. Node 

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[[Dufl?]]: SI, Kerr, Lewis. Paris, Berlin, [Causerra], Pretoria, Tokyo & N. York. 

without ridge.

Center +- 1.2-1.3 cm diameter. [Clinging] all over [bamboo] [fore] [internodes] low amid [colors] very long. One under [17 cm]

No photo.
[fasnodes] and internodes FAA; 3 [nals]: leave and colors, flower and buds. (very good ones.)

[Several] [fenall] [perg] in [flor] [!] with [nmulti flower spot.] [!] and other [s with] [spikes] and shoots coming from the same head.