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[Alinimia macrophyla]
[Mtn. de Helens, 16 Km SW of Olivenza] on road Olivenza- [Vila] Brasil ([?] old town "[[strikethrough]Antigua[[/strikethrough]]" [Ruinha]")

May 21, 1976

Alt. 40 [m.s.m.]

[[underlined]]FAA[[/underlined]]: 1 [very wide]: in [porose]-; 1 [sc][wide]buds; 1 120 [leone]; 1 [so]colors vines and roots (4)
[[underlined]][Borg][[/underlined]]-: 1 (120)
[[underlined]]3:1[[/underlined]] : 1 (120) (6 total)
[[underlined]]Photo B & W[[/underlined]]: roll 64 1 to 36
[[underlined]]Kodachrome[[/underlined]]: roll 65 (1 to 38)