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all over. Very [brands] ([more] than [Atraethatha]).

Surface very smooth, turning [serer] yellow or orange, [sometimes] a little purple. Blooming profusely [sand] [in][un] any place sending new shoots (In this area the forest has been cut here and there a little not too long ago to make it also the road. [Perhaps] that [induced] the blooming?).

[underscore]Centlum leaves[underscore]: [Culumn] leave][/underscore]: [persintal] is long [part] of [colors] until [broken], colors looking [naked] or absent
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late [decidous] upper in the branches when branches start to develop center sheath and blade smooth, not very strong +-. Blade [[underscore]]erect[[underscore]] large [lanceacote]. [triefila] a little [cadate] at base, [underscore] 1 inch [underscore] v taupe, than sheath or just about the same length.

Dry color. with a little [aunele] with [aral] [retae]. Blade thinner sheath. [[strikethrough]]usually[[/strikethrough]] Node without [[strikethrough]] stripe [[/strikethrough]] [taller] ridge.

Lower point of branch complement extending from and going [as]