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big promontory. end [vauze], represented. This main axis (of one) is long part of each. On [dark] sides 2 or 3 each rebranching itself [In] [sun] [h] [colors] join a strong, [verb] [dormant] branch to climb.

[Brorts] and [prophylla] falling when old strong represent either of their axis.

Leaves several on [leaf] [complement]. With top curly, dense [slite] oval [retae]. Blades large [tarerobete], [sathes] [[Alin hr].

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[[underlined]] [Leflores][[/underlined]]] [pseudospikelet at [heat] they keep
1) [froding] more and more [spike].? forming dense, heavy [[strikethrough]]branch[[/strikethrough]] branches on an [scorpioid]fan, like A. [falcato ;. Some of these [each] come by [brets] [[underlined]]Spkl[[/underlined]] very long, [nearer] than they from? or when they are many, they are produced larger and larger long, thread like with anthesis widely [space] thin, (no [glimmer] or brosts] at some of those  Many on anthesis at [brost] 2 [stamens] seems dark violet color.