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[Sr ening in photo litone- dere. lastal] type of forest in white [sand] soil and [proany veassara folcum].

Abundant in this area but many plants already dry and over.  [Chribip] and handing branches, very thin [culum] and branches, delicate Forms dense cover over trees and other plants "[todo ensedodo]". Probably up to 8 in tall.

Base of [ilis] rather thick, dense, leaders very strong, [desenbent] or + - [?].

Solid, very strong colors

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but thins. very smooth surgace, All or adult [culums] yellow.

[Culum] sheath persistent only very late [deci] [tiny] smooth, similar to the other sp, but smaller. Blade [branch] A, erect.

[Isfl.] at end of leaf complement is at nodes (everything becomes flower.

[Isfl.] 2-3 is few [Sphs Spm ? [[underscore]] long, very long and [threat] sphl. [[underscore]] some 16, 20 27 or little more [branch flowers probably growing lots]