Viewing page 6 of 31

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The inflor  - looks like a short pedicelated "raceme" or "panicle" unilateral [[congested?/congenital?]] on the lower side

Few photos in color and bl. & w - from material already cut-    

[[underlined]]Fixed: FAA[[/underlined]], Bouquet?
Infloresc. in [[symbol for not equal]] stages buds, leaves.
Bouquet?  3:1?
bulky material  [[strikethrough]] [[?]][[/strikethrough]] collected

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martes Jan. 31                2461
Ba, Mun. de Itacare, on
ramal of Embratel, TV tower,
4 Km from junction with
road to Itacare and 20
Km from BR 101.
Serra do Jacutinga
alt. ±500m. 1 a.m.
[[strikikethrough]] [[scribble]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[yellow highlighted]] Photo [[/yellow highlighted]]: roll #1 Kodachrome
herbarium ,only. no FAA?

Common in primary forest on higher slopes of serra
Beautiful forest with
bamboo (Chusquea, [[?]]. Retbergia)
Many Marantaceae, Acanthaceae, and other herbaceous