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2494 US,K,WIS,MO,NY Piresia [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] June 12, 1979 - 2496 Am, Transamazon Highway just above Igarape Mafui, 152 Km East of Humaita. [[underlined]] Pariana [[/underlined]] sp. Scattered inside dense, dark, tall [[underlined]] [[?]] [[/underlined]] forest, common but few in flower; soil with red clay. beautiful rain forest, wet with igarape crossing, very dark. (This point was our 1st camp in the Transamazonica. It [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is ca 200 m. beyond the river, by the ridge. On the left side FAA: 1 vial with [[flowers?]] and leaves
Transcription Notes:
igarape = small river
FAA = a fixative for preserving botanic samples