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[[S20? 520?]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] June 13 2501 Am. Transamazon Highway, ca. 1.5 Km above Igarape Mafui (right side of the road), ca. 152 Km. East of Humaita. [[underlined]] Pariana [[/underlined]] sp. [[?]] in rain forest [[strikethrough]] [[?]] abundant near trail. beautiful forest with some trees cut down, but not [[?]], probably cut to make bridge on road. Soil with top layer of coarse redish +- band not [[?]]. Dificult to decide how many spc. of Pariana there and in this [[?]]. [[end page]] [[start page]] There are many forms and all are very abundant. Many with flowers and several seen dry with fruit formed. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] In several ones [[?]] seedlings around parent plant. More or less tall plants up to 1 m tall, few, and [[?]], sometimes only one. FAA: 1 vial leaves & infl. [[?]]: inflor. [[?]] 3:1 : infl. [[?]]
Transcription Notes:
Assuming "sp." is abbreviation for "specimen", not "spelling".