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[[underlined]] Piperaeca [[/underlined]]  2516
Same loc. & date

Climbing on dense, 1 [[superscript]] e [[/superscript]] forest.
with sandy soil. (redish)

Pariana   2517
[[?]] (1 [[?]]

[[Spike?]] culm and infl.
narrow, [[streaked?]]
Leaves lanceolate, narrow
growing in small [[clearing?]]
in forest.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Piperaeca [[/underlined]]

Small plants along trail in tall, 1e [[?]], rain forest, of sandy soil (coarse redish type)

June 14 (friend along, afternoon) 2519

Am. Transamazon Highway, 7.2[[superscript]] 00 [[/superscript]] Km above Igarape Mafui, +- 159 Km East de Humaita

Merostachys  sp.
Ca. 10 m tall and 1.3 cm diam. leaning on trees. Few [[?]] mixed in the trees on 

Transcription Notes:
1 [[superscript]] e [[/superscript]] - this notation may be an approximate measure of the height of the forest. Unable to determine accurate meaning, but same notation is used on several pages.