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[[1st?]] rain forest, near edge (only 3 or 4 clumps found).-
[[Culms?]] +- 1 or 1.25 cm. diam. strong culms almost solid, only small canal in center filled with soft pith. internodes smooth, little open below nodes
node with ring of silky, gold hair below leaf [[?]] a plann, dry, blade reflexed [[?]], later both fall. 
Several [[?]] on nodes, Buds developing on [[?]] arch line, very little of [[triangle shape]], sometimes about in a line. Leaves [[?]] type. +- narrow lanceolate

3 internodes [[?]] 78-79 cm.
[[?]], bl & wh. fotos roll #2
Kodacrome #roll [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]
FAA: 2 vials buds & leaves

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


2520 [[Parus?]]
2521 [[Chino?]] Solanaceae

2522  Lariacis
2523  [[?]]
2524  Olyra latifolia
2525  [[Pariana pendule peluda?]]

527 Km [[total?]] -
  7 Km [[to campo centro?]]



Same loc.
Parus sp.
In +- disturbed [[strikethrough]] edge [[/strikethrough]] area [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] near of edge of forest. Very tall robust plants ca. 1.40m tall. Large inflorescence.

Transcription Notes:
"1st" transcribed for possible "1 [[degree symbol]]" - Before I thought this might be a height notation on other pages, but may be a location indicator or a "first visit" indicator.