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--> see [[?]] for detail

June 17     2529
Am. Transamazon Highway, ca. 9 Km W of Rio [[strikethrough]] das [[/strikethrough]] dos Pombas. [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] 64 Km E of Aripuana
campina [[?]]

Humiria sp
Small tree, branched
ca. 2 m.
Campina type of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] forest, in more [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] open places of the campina. Small trees & scrub vegetation on [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] white sandy soil - Flowers ivory color. 

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[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Gutiferae [[/underlined]]   2530

nv. [[strikethrough]] " [[?]] " [[/strikethrough]]

In white sand soil campina, in more or less open places - tree about 6 m tall. In fruits.

[[strikethrough]] Lythraceae [[/strikethrough]]
det. A. [[?]] & J.W.
Ericaceae     2531

( flores blancas like [[?]] or [[?]]?

Shrub about 1-1.5 m tall in white sand campina - flowers white

Transcription Notes:
flores blancas = white flowers