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Leguminoseae     2532 

Climbing plant on campina. Flowers light blue and white (only one [[?]]) with [[?]] & 5 [[?]] in fruit -

Leguminosae     2533
Eperua sp-

In more [[strikethrough]] or less [[/strikethrough]] open areas of campina, small tree of ab 1,5 m [[?]]
Flowers lila-

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Chrysobalanaceae 2534
Hirtella sp.

Shrub climbing about 1 m.
Flowers lila color
(only 1 sp. of each) in flower & fruit (2 [[species?]])

Leguminosae [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]]   2535

in campina, Shrub about 2 m. tall. Flowers still not open

Transcription Notes:
lila = lilac in Spanish