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July 15     2847

[[Rondônia?]], ca. S 3-^[[5]]Km of [[Maricibe?]] of U.S.L.

[[strtikethrough]] Mus [[/strikethrough]]

Bracts red, fruit green.

[[strikethrough]] Euphobiaceae? [[/strikethrough]]
]]   2848

Climbing (trepedeira, at edge of forest. Flower yellow green.

[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethough]] Solanaceae   2849

Small tree ca 5 m. with young fruits & flower. with pole like

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[[Lepunin? Cendpin.?]]   2850
Cassia ?

Small tree, ca. 4 m. with fruits only, at edge of humid forest.

Road from S.L. to A merica  [[circled]] si [[/circled]]
[[strikethrough]] [[? ?]]: ca. 7 Km. N? of [[?]] of U.S.L. igarape 7 Km above (N. or w of [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[Palm?]]   2851

Small, ca. 1.50, without orange fruits.

Plant ca. 80 cm near
[[ipanape]] (like a [[watle?]] plant -
with short, [[? ?]] like
flower small, in a ravine

Transcription Notes: